Citation Management

Guides for Citing Sources

Have a question about citing sources or citation styles? Ask a Librarian.

Citation Tools

ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you build a bibliography or make citations instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software.

Citation Management Software

What is citation management software?

Citation management tools allow a user to organize and retrieve information, such as citations for books, articles, and Web sites, by interfacing with library databases. The citation manager then works with word-processing software to insert properly formatted footnotes or citations into a paper and create a properly formatted bibliography.

Which citation management programs are used at Cornell?

Individuals at Cornell use a variety of programs. The Cornell University Library currently supports the following:

For questions about citation management software or help choosing a citation manager, contact us!


  • Zotero is a free, open-source, web-based tool for managing citations, organizing pdfs, and creating bibliographies.
  • Free campus workshops on Zotero: Olin-Uris Library and Mann Library
  • Self-guided instruction in the form of tutorials, FAQs, and help are available through Zotero.
  • In addition, our Library has several Zotero guides: Getting Started with Zotero and  Zotero Advanced Frequently Asked Questions.


  • Mendeley is a free, web-based tool from Elsevier for managing references, creating bibliographies, and pdf organizer.
  • Self-guided instruction in the form of tutorials, FAQs, & videos are available through Mendeley help guides.
  • For individual help with Mendeley from a Cornell librarian, please contact us.


  • EndNote is citation management software produced by Clarivate. A free 30-day trial or purchase is available through EndNote.
  • Two Cornell colleges offer their communities free access to Endnote via site license:  Human Ecology (under Software) and Agriculture & Life Sciences.
  • Self-guided instruction in the form of tutorials, FAQs, & videos are available through Endnote.
  • To increase success with Endnote’s “Find Full Text” feature, add Cornell’s OpenURL in preferences: