Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service for Cornell faculty, staff, and registered students. Interlibrary Loan allows our users to borrow physical materials from other libraries and universities, as well as copies of articles or chapters from titles that are not held by Cornell University Library.

Book can also be borrowed through BorrowDirect. Copies of articles and chapters from titles held by Cornell can be requested using ScanIt. Institutions and individuals not affiliated with Cornell should see the Interlibrary Loans for Non-Cornellians page for details about policies and charges.

What can be requested on Interlibrary Loan?

Is there a fee to use Interlibrary Loan?

Can I request a book that is held at Cornell but currently checked out?

How long will it take to get the items I requested on Interlibrary Loan?

How long can I borrow Interlibrary Loan items?

Can I renew my Interlibrary Loan?

How do I cancel my request if I no longer need the material?

How do I register for Interlibrary Loan?