Cornell University Library Digital Preservation Fund

Cornell University Library Collection Development Executive Committee (CD-EXEC) has approved an annual allocation of $125,000* from the library materials budget to support the digitization of library assets. This fund will be available to selectors and curators to digitize items from their collections that are unique and at risk — rare, fragile, deteriorating, or frequently requested by faculty, staff and library patrons. The fund is primarily intended for the preservation of important content; access is a secondary consideration in evaluating proposals for use of the CUL Digital Preservation Fund.

Additionally, we have replaced the annual grant-based funding model with a 5-year prioritization plan to be overseen by CDExec and CUL’s Director of Digitization and Conservation Services, with broad input from subject specialists, curators, faculty, and others. This will ensure more content is preserved.

Projects may be done in-house or outsourced, depending on the nature of the material.

For questions about the fund, or to apply, please contact [email protected]

* The allocation of $125,000 is for three years (2017-2020), after which it will go back to the original allocation of $100,000.